Attention Coaches, Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Creatives

You want to write a book to GROW your business... but you don't know where to START?

Crush overwhelm and transform your book idea into an organized outline and map to success

Say au revoir, adios, see you later to the procrastination on starting your book with this system ...

  • Your Book Mapped Out
  • ​An Actual Plan That Works FOR YOU
  • ​And A Faster Book Writing Process

(Just to name a few...)

Look, we all know the benefits of adding a published book to our business, right...

  • Establishes you as an expert
  • Grows your email list
  • Grows your potential client list
  • ​Adds an additional revenue stream
  • ​Gets you featured in other publications
  • ​(and so much more)

But you NEED a streamlined system that works for you

Jumpstart Your Book is here to help you take your book from Idea to Completed Outline IN JUST ONE HOUR. Once you have an outline, a roadmap, the rest of the book will flow faster.

Don't let outlining your book be what stops you from writing your book. It's an important step as it helps you create your plan. Let Alexa help you create that plan. She knows how to help you take the initial step so that the rest can fall into place. You'll feel more organized and more in control as you write the book you want to write. 

Suzanne Brown, author of Mompowerment and The Mompowerment Guide to Work-Life Balance

Founder of Mompowerment,

"I outlined my first book and was hopelessly off the outline 5000 words in because the creative flow just went somewhere the left brain outline hadn't invented. So I thought outlining was not for me. 

But Alexa's idea of outlining is more organic, more creative, continually changing. Beginning with the mind map makes this outlining a very different thing than simply digging in to articulated chapter after chapter."​​ 

~ Cathy Parker

You need this system to get started on your book!  I didn't know where to start... but in one hour with Alexa, we settled on a tone for the book and listed out all the major components I knew I wanted to include. From there, I was able to really dig deep into a chapter by chapter summary and the book flowed quickly! Having a book plan helped me clarify my ideas for the book, get them on paper and stay focused. It created a faster, more organized book writing experience.

Tonya Rineer, author of the Mindset Switch

Business Coach to Life Coaches & Spiritual Healers

Let's identify your best idea, and create the plan that will 

get you on track to get that book written & published faster

The outline was a critical part of my book writing success!  I outlined the chapter titles ( topics) and story that I wanted to tell for each topic. I created the format of personal story, key teaching points , takeaway tips to try and newbie mistakes to avoid. It was more of a skeleton structure than a traditional outline, which is what Alexa teaches in her program. Then I wrote. If you're struggling to get started, an outline is definitely the place to begin.

Angela Hosking, author Woman on Top

Founder of Her One Tribe,

You CAN Get Your Idea Out Of Your Head.

You Can Write This Book!

hiring expensive writing coaches...


Idea to Outline in One Hour

This one hour masterclass to take you from your 

BIG IDEAS to a DRAFT plan of your book, 

radically transforming the jumble of ideas in your head into an organized plan.

Reduce the time to write and publish your book with the confidence that you are 

on the path to greater influence and success!  

  • One hour workshop: Delivered immediately for you to do on your own time
  • Workbook: Walks you through all exercises and helps you complete them during the workshop
  • Sample Outlines - so you know what to include
  • Extra Bonuses! Write Your Book course, Ditch the Fear & Just Write It! ebook, other workshops and content to aid you, content audit guide; how to make money with your book course

Move Past Procrastination

" It's a hands-on experience that helps the writer move past any procrastination to get started on developing their book idea. Alexa provides specific guidance on how to mind map ideas through a very helpful live mind mapping demo." -

 Sandy, Happy Science Mom

Get Your Ideas Out Of Your Head And Onto Paper

 "As a first time writer with zero training I didn't know where to begin. This outline training allowed me to get my ideas out of my head and onto paper. By the end of the hour I had completed my mind map and a rough outline of my book. "

Krista Erickson 


Everything you need to create your outline, identify your key ideas for your book, and start writing your book.

1 Hr Guided Workshop

Providing the step-by-step guidance and exercises designed to help you brainstorm your ideas, narrow it down, and write out your draft outline. You'll have a basic map to write your book & know what steps to take next.

Course Workbook

Designed to provide the tools you need to effectively and efficiently work through the exercises in the training. You'll have all the content you need to help you work through each step of the process to create your book plan. 

Sample Outlines

Not sure what you should include in your outlines? The sample outlines will give you an idea of how to organize your outline and how much information to include.

And ... These Amazing Bonuses Designed To Keep You Organized And Write Your Book!


Ditch The Fear & Just Write It: 

90 Day Power Journal

This Ebook will help you get past your fear and help you write your book. You'll also learn more on getting started, the tools you need, and how to keep yourself on track to get the book written.  



What Book Do I Write?

Not sure where to start with your book idea? Have too many ideas or perhaps you don't know what goal you are trying to achieve? This quick workshop will help you determine your goal and how to brainstorm what you should write your book about.



Is there a Market for My Book?

Learn how to perform effective market research.  This powerful workshop will teach you the fundamentals on how to make sure that the market wants your book! 


Content Audit Guide

Learn how to find what you've already created and use it for your book!  You don't have to start from scratch to develop material for your book. This guide will teach you how to discover and organize what you've already got so you can use it in your book. 

 "This is a great workshop for authors who know what they want to write about but either feel stuck getting started or overwhelmed trying to decide what to include and what to leave out. It is perfect for first-time authors but it is also useful to those like me who've already published one or more books and are working on their next one."

Julia Goldstein, Author

Let's Get Your Book Outlined!
It is time to take action and get your book outline out of your head

 so that you can write it with ease!


You were gifted with a message of impact or story to tell and it is your responsibility to share it with others. Your book will not write itself and in in order to write it, you have to get your ideas organized.

Someone's life is waiting to be changed forever by your words, what are you waiting for?

Don't wait any longer to get started writing your book. This process is the first step.

What Will Your Life Look Like When Your Book Is Written?
Change Someone's Life With Your Message. 
Your story and message matters. All of the experience and expertise you've acquired will impact and influence someone else's life.  Your book has the power to transform someone's life!
Be A Well Regarded Industry Expert 
Being a published author instantly increases your credibility as an expert in your field. Your book will help position you as a sought after expert for speaking at conferences,  media appearances, quotes and podcasts. 
Add A New Revenue Stream
A book is a great way to add to your bottom line and increase your profits. People are always looking for affordable ways to continue their personal development or continuing education in their field. 
Nurture Your Prospects Into Buyers 
Potential clients who have read your book will come to you already knowing, liking and trusting you. They'll be primed and ready to take the next step with you. 
Your life, business and ability to transform the lives of others will amplified with your finished book! 

Let's Get That Outline Started!


I can actually really get my book outlined in an hour?

Yes! It will not be a perfect, finalized version, but you will have a working outline and a plan for your way forward that will make everything else faster and smoother for you. Everyone who has been through this program has completed the hour with a working outline and a lot of ideas of how to move forward.

I am not a coach or consultant. Actually, I have an idea for a fiction book. Will this work for me?

Yes, if you just want to write fiction books, I include the workshop done from the perspective of a fiction writer. 

However, my primary goal is to help women who want to write a book to grow their business, and it is primarily focused on that. 

I  am a going to hire a ghostwriter to write my book, won't they just do this for me too?

Ghostwriting is a very timely and expensive process (you should plan to spend at least $15,000 or more depending on the length and complexity of your book) so anything you can do to make that process function more smoothly is a good idea. AND... by the time you're finished with this program, you may be confident enough that you do not need to hire a ghostwriter.

I am working on a memoir. 

Is this good for me?

This particular program is best suited for those who are writing nonfiction books to grow their business. Yes, the process of brainstorming and mind-mapping can be effective to help you get started, but this particular system has books self-help, self-improvement, or other nonfiction styles of books. Memoirs are written more like fiction books, even though based on truth.

If you're not satisfied with this workshop and bonuses within 7 days, I'll send you a refund.

Why am I doing this? Because I believe in you and your message. I want to make sure that you believe in your message too. Dive in to the workshop and bonus material. If it's not for you, I'll refund your money, no questions asked! 

Jumpstart Your Book: Idea To Outline In An Hour

Crush Overwhelm And Transform Your Ideas Into An Organized Outline You Can Use To Write Your Book

Ditch the Fear & Just Write It! ebook . . . . . . .(Value $19)

Workshop:  Finding the Market for Your Book . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

Workshop: Brainstorming Your Best Book Idea  . . . . . . .(Value $47)

First Piece Of The Offer. . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Second Piece Of The Offer . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Third Piece Of The Offer . . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Fourth Piece Of The Offer . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Content Audit Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . (Value $47)

Completed draft outline / workshop . . . . . . . (Value $27)

Sample outlines to guide you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $34)

Bonus Piece Of The Offer . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Bonus Piece Of The Offer . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Bonus Piece Of The Offer . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Bonus Piece Of The Offer . . . . . . . (Value $497)

Ditch the Fear & Just Write It! ebook (Value $19)

Workshop: Will Your Book Sell? (Value $97)

Workshop: Make More Money with your Nonfiction book (Value $97)

Content Audit Guide  (Value $17)

Completed draft outline / workshop  (Value $27)

Sample outlines to guide you (Value $34)

Total Value = ($271)